魔镜歌词网 > 欧美歌手 > Robert Pollard > Port Authority

Robert Pollard


Robert Pollard

Port Authority

I can't know the song of the south
when my needle points north.
the blue south elegant with lovely lake
eyes in a smiling river on fire look at me

Ape, the tailor whose fine linens he knows
makes a man out of safety pins
proud as an Indian
I figure in future years I'll be stained by the tears
of desperate clinging

Miracle girls commercially perfect
excel at Port Authority
shall I run out to meet your hopes
of liquor, tobacco & chocolate?
up on chalkleg mirror mountain
subtle and juicy

Robert Pollard
1.Maggie Turns To Flies
3.Girl Named Captain
4.Get Under It
5.Release The Sunbird
6.John Strange School
7.Parakeet Troopers
8.One Clear Minute
9.Chance to Buy an Island
10.I've Owned You for Centuries
11.The Ash Grey Proclamation
12.Flat Beauty
13.King Of Arthur Avenue
14.Roofer's Union Fight Song
15.Psychic Pilot Clocks Out
16.Prom Is Coming
18.Did It Play?
19.Double Standards Inc.
20.Punk Rock Gods
21.Meet My Team
22.Good Luck Sailor
23.Make Use
24.Vibrations In The Woods
25.Just Say The Word
26.Subspace Biographies
27.Catching Waves Again
28.Waved Out
29.Whiskey Ships
30.Wrinkled Ghost
31.Artificial Light
32.People Are Leaving
33.Steeple Of Knives
34.Rumbling Joker
35.Showbiz Opera Walrus
36.Picking Seeds From My Skull
37.Second Step Next Language
38.Submarine Teams
39.Flings of the Waistcoat Crowd
40.The Big Make-Over
41.Men Who Create Fright
42.Television Prison
43.Strictly Comedy
44.Far-out Crops
45.Living Upside Down
46.Snatch Candy
47.White Gloves Come 0ff
48.Enjoy Jerusalem!
49.You Can't Hold Your Women
50.Town Of Mirrors
52.Island Crimes
53.Frequent Weaver Who Burns
54.Soul Train College Policeman
55.Pop Zeus
56.Slick As Snails
57.Do Something Real
58.Port Authority (修改)
59.Soft Smoke
60.Same Things
61.And I Don't (So Now I Do)
62.Tight Globes
63.I Get Rid Of You
64.Life Is Beautiful
66.Larger Massachusetts
67.And My Unit Moves
68.The Ash Gray Proclamation
69.The Louis Armstrong of Rock and Roll
70.Trial of Affliction and Light Sleeping
71.Pick Seeds From My Skull
72.I'm a Strong Lion